About Me


I pride myself in collaborating with directors, agency and clients, to bring fresh and creative solutions to all projects. Using my art upbringing and background with lateral thinking has yielded positive results. Constantly looking for new ideas and inspiration is a must.


I believe any successful project requires collaboration and strong communication skills. Being detail orientated, patient, tolerance and dedicated has aided in many successfully execution of projects. Determination to always giving my best and being positive has been an asset especially under pressure.

Self-awareness and humour

Being mindful of how to handle each and every job with care and respect within the dynamic of new personalities, all under pressure and often stress to achieve a collective goal, is most important to me. I have learnt a lot about myself, strengths and weaknesses over these nearly 30 years in the Film Industry. Humour is my go to put everyone at ease and to generally alleviate or dissipate difficult situations. Creative, clever humour is my favourite form.


This is very important to me. One agrees to put one’s very best efforts into one’s work and to deliver what is expected and always give more. I believe in owning mistakes and rather seeking solutions as opposed to finding those to blame. Even those mistakes made by my team members are mine to take responsibility for. I am very blessed to have surrounded myself with team members who also value integrity as a valuable and core principal.


As with Integrity, this is most important to who I am. Being forthright and direct but remembering to be mindful is how I work. I find being honest, although not always appreciated is a far better way of showing respect to everyone around.


I believe I consistently demonstrate that I understand concepts and carry out tasks with efficiency and professionalism. I do have a very high level of standards which I hold myself to and those around me. Always trying to do better than the last project and learning from each experience is very important to my own growth.

My Story

As most stories start, I was born on the 4th of December 1973, in Pongola, Kwa-Zulu-Natal, where I joined my older sister, mother and father.

My father was a game ranger for the Natal Parks Board at the time, which fostered a natural love of nature and especially animals. He later joined the military, therefore so did we… We spent 5 years living in Bloemfontein and then finally moved down to Cape Town where I have been living ever since.

From a young age, I showed a strong interest in art and maths which looking back now, has aided in my Art Direction talents. I was brought up in a liberal, middle-class household by two strong-willed Virgos. I started showing my natural organisational, leadership and motivational tendencies in high school and it is these skills along with my creative and artistic abilities, money/budgeting savvy and problem-solving capabilities, which have served me so well throughout my career. A good sense of humour when under pressure has never gone amiss either.

After High School, I studied and completed a 3-year Diploma in Graphic Design at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. I found that ad agency work did not live up to my expectations as I needed to be challenged and allowed to grow more. When the opportunity to try out the Film Industry came along in 1995, I jumped at it! I have thoroughly enjoyed the growth, experiences, connections and friendships the industry has afforded me since.

Jenifer Blatt

The Author

Brands I Worked With

Whilst most of my portfolio consists of international commercials, I have a great deal of experience working on various both local in international feature films, TV series, documentaries, music videos and corporate videos. These were all created in various parts of South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique and Nigeria.

Awards We have won

Having a great team and brilliant directors definately inspires one to go beyond any expectations to achieve something unique and exceptional.

Beat The Curve

Beat The Curve won the award by invoking strong emotions and creative direction through collaboration and dedicated team work.

The Carpenter

We won best male director, Best production design, best costume design, best sound design and best color editing for The Carpenter.


Often budgets may not allow for grandness but lateral thinking and true passion is what results in greatness and have achieved us this award.